20x20 oil on linen
I am not sure this painting is "right" so I thought I'd share it and get some feedback. Please give me your honest critique!
I am having such doubts of late. But thank you all for your wonderful comments and support. There is nothing like a support group to let me know my doubts are natural and expected. And given that my day was spent in research, talking to insurance advisers and taking my husband for more blood work, I have not had much time to think in the right brain.
The main thing I love about this painting is Mary Cassatt's painting "Little Girl in a Blue Armchair" and I will no doubt put it in a few more paintings in the future. Her relaxed pose makes me feel more relaxed.
I like this one, Robin - don't see any obvious problems. The focal point is clear, and the rest of the composition leads right to it. The figures are easy to read, with variety in stance. And I love that the painting takes 2 readings - first just to see a crowd in front of a painting, but then a second look to realize that someone is actually pointing at and discussing the painting, and the crowd's attention is on him as well as on the painting. The looseness of the paint on the wall is great and in keeping with the rest of the painting. I think I would have made the mistake of making the wall too flat.
Your doubts are your own, but from the outside view, you have nothing to worry about!
Ha! Looking back at the painting, I now notice the title - its a good title, but obviously the painting carries the story even without it!
It's beautiful, Robin. Don't touch it.
ERASE THOSE DOUBTS! You are amazingly talented and a wonderful artist. Your paintings (including this one) are fantastic and your art is an inspiration to all of us (especially me) every day! I would kill to be able to paint half as good as you do!
Try to keep a positive outlook as you are going through a tough time. Remember that god gave you a gift. Try to use it as an outlet to bring joy in to your life!
Robin, I agree with the others, this painting is so good, and you are an inspiration to us all.
Keep painting, please.
Robin, you can do NO wrong, in my book! I love everything you do, right down to your sketches. Lisa Russell doesn't show artists who aren't AMAZING, after all!
I really love this piece - it reminds me of the hours I spent in the Ransom Center studying the Mitchner Collection, which is now housed at The Blanton.
I've just given you the Passion for Painting Blog Award!
I do not see any room for improvement. It is lovely and the colors are inviting. Composition is great.
I think we all go through the self-questioning sometimes... about painting and a million other things. We want to grow, so questioning is good.
See...it's interesting that you like this Mary Cassatt painting and are relaxed by it. I personally believe it is one she questioned. There is that line drawn through the bottom portion... was she thinking of cropping it? You see it as relaxed. To me it is an awkward pose. See? We have different takes on the same thing.
Keep up your good work. This is a very interesting painting. Set is aside awhile or check it in the mirror and you'll figure out if there is something you want to change.
What's your center of interest? And what are your site lines that will bring the viewer to that center of interest?
For me, the fellow in the blue shirt is too prominent. He draws my eye away from the rest of the painting.
It looks a little like the painting/wall is laying back. Which is interesting. But maybe that is what is troubling you. It's a gorgeous piece, and all your work with all the family stress has been amazing.
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