Tuesday, July 09, 2013

30 Seconds of Painting

Playing with some new technology today (Timelapse app on iPhone) I decided to share a  video of a start. This is a large one - 24x24 - and what took me an hour has been reduced to 30 seconds. 
I like to work fast and get lots of information blocked in early in a painting and like to work all over the canvas. First, I make lines and points to note where things are to be, measuring and comparing objects and then begin to draw my "map" a little more clearly and then begin to mass in big shapes with color. When there are many darks, I begin with thin washes and leave a lot transparent, but in this case, I wanted the painting to have a higher key and went right into more opaque paint.

From here its all in the details. That will take another couple of hours or days. Some of this rough start may be left alone - it's background info. But there is still a lot to do in my focal areas. And I want I be sure I represent that hazy, humid glare of a hot day in New Orleans.


Meredith Adler said...

Thanks so much Robin--what a treat to be able to get a glimpse of your creation process in action. I look forward to any opportunity to learn from you! Looking forward to seeing where you go with this painting...

martinealison said...


Merci de partager avec nous ces moments de peinture en vidéo...
Il est toujours très intéressant de voir comment chaque artiste peut procéder...
Une très jolie peinture avec des tramways nommés ici, "plaisir" !...

Gros bisous à vous.

Lisa Graham said...

It's neat to see a little snippet of you at work and I love this charming painting.

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Very fun to see the progression. I'm so impressed that you did this much in an hour.

scott said...

very cool!

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