Sunday, January 06, 2008

Contemplating Life...and art

Been musing on "what now." I want to think of some interesting project to embark on for this blog especially. Not precisely New Year resolutions, but something to keep me growing and moving forward. When I began this blog, it was with no real expectation of success or ... well... any idea of what might happen. A year plus later, I've painted nearly 200 small works, sold quite a few (Thanks to ALL for your support), found my "voice" or calling and what really excites me in subject matter, and gained three new galleries. So this year much of my work will be focused on gallery pieces, but this blog is really important to me also and I want to make it interesting to those of you who have come to enjoy my art. I love this community that I have joined. I enjoy seeing many other artists work. I am inspired by them and really enjoy the feedback I get... whats not to like about that?

I named this a journal because I knew that "daily painting" (posting a completed work for sale every day) was beyond my scope and I wanted to be able to share more - the larger work, the progress of paintings, the sketches and studies. I do paint every weekday for the most part. But with just the 4 hours or so I get to wear my artist's cap (apron?), I can't do as much as I like. AND I need to not feel inadequate because of that. So right now, I am musing about how to divy up that time for blog and gallery work. But for certain, I am going to post more sketches and work in progress... I do think (correct me if I am wrong) that sharing some of the other processes in the creation of art is interesting. I know I like to see how other artists develop a painting. (just fyi - I can spend nearly as much time on a 5x7 $100 painting as a larger work - so those little pieces are not exactly whipped out with ease!)

Other ideas at this point are to do one day a week painting from life in a cafe/coffeeshop. And figure sessions.

I'm also looking into changing from google to feedburner, if it automatically send these posts - saving me a step. Can anyone answer that for me so I don't have to research it?

I'll keep you posted.


ming said...

Yes feedburner automatically sends post either to e-mail or RSS feed readers!

All the best with your new direction!

Consider painting to a theme every week, for example:

Deborah Paris said...

Hi Robin. Yes, Feedburner automatically sends your new posts to your list. I think you should be able to upload your Google list as a file to Feedburner too. It also gives you great statistics about how many visitors you have every day and where they come from, how long they stay and what they look at.

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