20x10 oil on linen
Another painting making a return home from a gallery. Available unframed from my studio. Its a dark scene - as in low light. But the cafe and sidewalk look very pleasant and cozy!
I haven't been painting actually, and I don't want to sound negative, but I feel like I am lately. I've been having issues with a business associate and its stressed me out so much that I can't paint. Be really careful who you allow to represent you art. Not every opportunity is golden. Can you sense my restraint here?
Very inviting scene! Love to go by there myself. Your paintings have a lot of feeling and amazing light...and darks. :)
Robin, I loved this painting when I first saw it. Has it sold? Or is that part of the issue with your business partner? I hope you are able to resolve that soon - hate to have it affecting your life so much in a negative manner.
Robin, your art is wonderful....the business side of it all can be overwhelming. I sure wish you good luck with the situation. And get back to painting......what you do so very well!
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