Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Catch and Release

10x8 oil on paper
$125 including priority shipping (US)

I've been trying to come up with a new way to create paintings for my blog again - for art collectors on a budget (and aren't we all these days, really?) I just can't paint those little canvases though. I find that they cause me to tighten up which could not be more frustrating for me. I've done 'sketches' on paper before and I like the results and the room to be expressive.

The paper is 9x12 and I am taping off the sizes I want to paint so there is a white border around the painting. The paper is substantial enough to stand up to the paint, its coated, acid free and it has a slight weave like canvas. While the works are larger, they aren't going to compete with my gallery work. I'm limiting myself to 30 minutes on these, and I can't tell you what a great exercise it is for me. A digital timer is the best tool in the studio. More on that later.

And finally, here are some fun ideas I've found while surfing the web for those of you who buy small paintings or my works on paper and want to display them creatively and cheaply.

1. Clipboards

2. Wooden hangers

3. Clips

4. Or you can easily get a ready made from with glass any home decor or craft store


Studio at the Farm said...

Beautiful subject and colors, Robin.

jen said...

Love the little flecks of light on the water (and the wooden hanger idea).

Johnnie Sielbeck said...

I like the wooden hangers - fun idea. Catch and Release is really nice, especially the light on the curve of the shoulder and arm.

Gaye Sekula: Impressions said...

What a GREAT idea! I have doing quick studies too so, this just may be just the ticket! Thanks for posting!

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