My first painting, below, I did for the first 2 hours of the pose - in 25-30 minute sessions with breaks. I tried hard to apply my recent play with "30 minute sketches" and worked quickly at the beginning. The light moved very quickly too.

I moved to a new spot to get a different angle for my second painting but didn't have much time to work on it. I like my start - colorful at least. And I don't like, or get confused by the background anyway. That is one way pencil sketching has an advantage. With paint I feel obligated to put in the background or setting. Though one of these days I want to put my "live event" skills to the test and paint a large cafe scene (mostly) on location.

Both are wonderful, Robin. Sounds like a fun time painting with friends.
Robin, your work is so alive! i love them both but the first figure is my favorite. you say so much with your strokes, not one wasted word! bravo!
Like the background as it is but I never can stop and leave the background minimalist. Great work.
Lovely refreshing work on your blog.
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