18x24 oil on linen
Rejected! From the American Impressionist Society. I'm a bit bummed. None of my paintings were accepted this year. I submitted some of my best work - and I have to believe that regardless of being juried into the show or not. Its just a reminder that the appreciation of art is so subjective. What moves one person might be overlooked by another.
I watched an excellent dvd on the Impressionists* over vacation and none could better understand the angst of rejection than they. While they set their own course and struggled to earn even a humble living, they still wished for acceptance by the Salon and tried again and again.
And so must we all! Be true to thine self and paint on!
* The Impressionists - The Other French Revolution
Robin, I love this painting. So many of your paintings make me feel like I am there....
I am sorry you weren't accepting in the American Impressionist Society. If I had been a judge, I would have voted you in.
Do you remember the name of the DVD you watch on the impressionists? I would love to check it out.
You are clearly TOO GOOD for them now.
This is a beautiful painting - both in content and execution. The AIS is missing out. Big time.
This is an awesome painting, Robin. I'm not one to say things I don't mean....so trust me, it must have been very difficult for them to reject your work this time.
I would say this painting is on it's way to better recognition in it's own time.
It's a beautiful painting! The fabrics are luminous, and the figure of the woman is just right. You captured a moment in time. Sorry about your disappointment. We've all felt rejected at some point, so we understand. Just keep turning out good paintings!
Thank you for your support everyone! It means a lot!! :)
Hi -- my painting was rejected this year as well -- I only sent in an 8 x 10, as I didn't have anything else to send them -- I think it is a great painting -- and yes, shows are subjective -- I love this painting of laundry -- I did a laundry series a while ago -- painting sheets is so much fun -- this is a great painting -- I will check out more of yours later --
here's to painting just to paint!
Sending a "hug" to help cheer you up after the rejection - juries, I am always telling myself I won't enter anything any more because I can't stand the objectiveness of the process (I never keep my resolve). Just keep painting - you have beautiful work!
The painting above is wonderful. I agree with you on competitions, it's almost impossible to figure out why or why not.
A little rejection now and then makes us all stronger! Take that judges! Really, Robin, you and I both know this painting rocks and they are wrong, wrong, wrong!
Rejected? Are you kidding me? You know how I LOVE this painting! It is always a blow to the ego to be rejected, but I hope that you know what a great artist you are. As my mother used to say - this too shall pass. Allow your creativity to continue to blossom with your brushes and paints. You will benefit and all of those who appreciate your art will benefit.
Happy Painting!!
I can only tell you that when I saw the avatar on my blog roll, I gave a little gasp. In my humble opinion, this is a masterful painting, and absolutely exquisite. I feel as though I am standing there in the painting, and can feel the breeze and smell the sweet scent of the fresh laundry.
Wish I would have been the judge!
Dear Robin,
Your work is wonderful as usual. Today, me, too, got a rejection. My artist friend gave me this say, "Rejection means you are one step closer to your goal. Keep up your work." I'd like to dedicate it for anyone faces being kicked out.
Kind regards...and hug,
Nice work, Robin, and excellent words to live by. Sorry about the non-acceptance into the show. Maybe it's time to do what the Impressionists did, have our own show of "rejected works". Happy Creating!
That's right - paint on and be true to yourself. This is an absolutely GORGEOUS piece and someone really blew it.
Your painting is beautiful and yes - it hurts being rejected, it hurts now and always did - think of poor Vincent van Gogh, who never earned a cent with his paintings, never got any praise until after his death. Ah, but i don't want to make you sad. You're talented and people see it ;)
This painting is beautiful. You are so right, art is so subjective. We all know about work being rejected. I have the dvd about the impressionist. Can you imagine if they gave up, what the world would have missed. Keep painting, no matter what the art judges say. Happy painting to you.
Robin, I think it's really important to remember when entering highly competitive shows that 80-90% of the paintings submitted are declined. That means a whole lot of really great paintings don't get in. It's a numbers game, kind of like entering a lottery, and often no reflection whatsoever on your art.
Keep working on that thick skin, and paint on sister!
Don't lose faith . your work is beautiful
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