12x9 oil on panel
Ask Studio 47 about this painting.
This is it! I believe I have shown most of the new pieces which are in Vermont for the group show. 15 new paintings have been sent there and my bag is packed and I'm flying to Boston tomorrow morning. I will spend the afternoon and night in Boston with a wonderful girlfriend from college. She will meet me there and go to the opening at the gallery with me on Saturday. I am really so excited to share this with such an old and dear friend. What a long way I've come from my drawing and design courses.
I'm excited to see Boston - I've never been. And excited to see Vermont. I bet its gorgeous. And excited about the opening and meeting the other artists and the gallery owner Wojtek. The space looks so beautiful online. Can't wait to see it in person.
Not sure I can blog while on the trip, but you can be sure I will when I get home!
The painting above is a scene from one of my favorite people watching places, Starbucks. I've noticed that more men than women read the newspaper. Personally, I don't read the paper because I am allergic to the inks. At least I used to be... found that out when I worked for a community paper in South Carolina and had to touch them all the time. I can't stand the way newsprint feels and it makes me itchy and sneezey. So, you won't really ever see me read a newspaper like this. I only get the first parts of stories, on the front/top page until "continued on B4" or something. I would not be a good partner for Trivial Pursuit.
Lovely one, Robin. Well finally, someone else who is allergic to carbon. No one else has ever heard of such a thing. I discovered my allergy when I had problems at month end medication records change over and using carbon paper forms. Since I don't read newspapers I never knew until I became a nurse that I had a problem. Lots of luck with the show; or do we say "break a leg" like in the theatre.
Safe travels & enjoy....looks like it's going to be a great show!
Wow.. Robin!!! You are going to have an absolutely fabulous trip!!
Congrats on all of your well deserved successes!
Great work! Enjoy your trip to Vermont. Sounds like a wonderful plan with an old and dear friend. I'm almost feeling guilty for not showing up when I'm just here in Maine. Who knows, I may wake up and decide to drive all day...
naice..:) :) keep uploadin d cool stuff
check out my sketches and my photographs at my blog
Hi Robin!... Richly deserved Kudos for some amazing oils!
You really pack a lot of life and vitality into each of these pieces with your wonderful colour-filled designs and painterly texture!
They sure "speak" to my heart and eye!
Good luck with sales... they will be enroute for sure!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Bruce Sherman
Your work is so wonderful, Robin. The looseness of your strokes is exquisite in combination with your drawing and sense of tonal values.
Good to see you and Hanna (sp?), Saturday.
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