20x10 oil on linen
I have been painting away, just not posting. I wanted to finally check in with my blog friends though and let you know that I am still here.
There has been a lot going on at my house lately. I have been painting a lot, getting ready to send work to another new gallery. More on that to come. ;-)
When not painting, I am never still - having to pick up more than my "share" because my husband has been suffering some bizarre condition which we've narrowed down to chemical poisoning. Its really rather a nightmare, so take note: BE CAREFUL when using any kind of solvents, stains, paints, etc. Watch out for those neurotoxins. They are bad news. Its going to be anywhere from 6-18 mos. for my husband's nervous system to return to normal (looking on the bright side) all from using a solvent to clean his car for a short while.
This is an important reminder too for all the artists out there. Remember to work in a well-ventilated space and choose low voc cleaners. A good substitute for mineral spirits/turps is walnut oil, but I use Gamsol currently out of sheer laziness. I wear gloves though and I do not use any colors with heavy metals in them (no cads, no lead, etc.) I've found substitutes for those colors. The toxins in such can build up in your system over time too and since I want to be painting for many years, I make my environment as healthy as I can.
My plan is to get back to some small paintings after I get this round of gallery paintings completed. If I finish that up, I will be set through the summer with the galleries I think. Added up, I have quite a few works out there waiting for the right home! Its rather amazing to think I've created so many these past months. Some I've absolutely loved and already miss. But I can't keep them all.
I really like the darks and the rythmn in the reds.
I'm so sorry to hear this and I'm shocked! I hope he is feeling better soon and wish him all the best for a speedy recovery. I like the long format of this piece...thanks for sharing in such a hectic time! -Sherrie
Oh my gosh! This story is so scary! I am sure everything will be ok but I am just so sorry to hear that this happened to your sweetie. Your warning to all artists is a real wake up call.
I am so glad you are in another gallery. You have accomplished so much lately and you should be so proud. Keep on painting. you have a wonderful gift and I am so glad that you share it with all of us!
God bless you and your family.
Robin, you have caught such a deep night atmosphere here and the title is great, reminicent of a famous painting we all know. thanks for the info on solvents, got me thinking! looking forward to seeing your small paintings. r.
I love your work Robin! I tagged you with the Passion for Painting Award on my blog.
Thank you so much for the warning about the toxins. Best to your husband.
I grately admire your artwork and have passed on to the the Passion for art award. You deserve much more, but with happiness I extend that. Kudos.
glad they found out what as wrong with hubby. at least you know its something that he can stay away from and get better.
cant wait to see the small ones again. i missed ya!
Wow, Robin so sorry to hear about your husband. That is so scary! I too am always concerned about toxicity in paints. What colours have you substituted for cads and cobalts? Just interested to know.
I'm sorry that your husband is ill, and I hope he recovers fully and quickly. I'm careful with choices in building materials, cleaners, etc. I paint with no solvents, no heavy metals as well. It can be done, people!
This painting is wonderful, It really transports me.
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