Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wading In

8x8 oil on panel
Email me

Did some paint sketches today to play and loosen up a little. I'm working on paintings for a show (more on that later) and feel a little pressure to be perfect - and sometimes that means tight and serious. Sometimes its so good to squint, paint fast, mass in, suggest and leave things unrefined. I highly recommend it in fact.

Saturday is the last day this month that we will offer lessons on sketching at Joel's Coffee House in NW Austin. Do come and join me and V....Vaughan for some practice with painted or pencil sketches. 9 a.m. start, $20 and we can provide supplies and chocolate, coffee and tea!

1 comment:

Linda Popple said...

I can feel the water and sun in this painting. Love all your beach paintings!

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