12x9 oil on panel
This was a fun painting. Thinking of warm cooking fires while we watch our little snow melt outside. School was canceled of course. Snow in central Texas paralyzes the city - my neighbors laughingly called it "snowmageddon." Keep in mind, it was maybe a quarter inch. But it was fun. And its cozy inside. Soon all will be business as usual.
Very nice, Robin. I love the atmosphere in this one.
We had snow in San Antonio last night too. The kids and dogs in the neighborhood had so much fun! It's all gone now.
I like this painting.
A quarter inch? Seriously? We don't even mention it if it's only a quarter inch... Don't move north.
love the pallette you used Robin. Wonderful painting
The guy on the right has a Nefertiti thing going. I love it.
Great colors, and such nice strong vertical composition!
Cool, Nice work!
Wow, this looks great and I bet it was a blast to paint. Just curious is this from a photo ref and how were you abe to take a photo of the kitchen? I just started making larger paintings and I'm now seeing the perks of doing them.
fantastic !!!!!!!!!
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