Notes from my sketchbook:
I sit here in Starbucks - very noisy if I let myself hear it. Funny that I can tune it out. But when I listen -
"Allison, I have your nonfat vente latte." A clatter of spoons.
"Excuse me," taking an unused chair. A woman's voice carries over the lower din of voices; papers snapping when turned; espresso machine runs with a hissing rumble, like steam from a train; a blender; and a call for Ralph to get his drink.
Lastly, as I pack up, "Miss, are you leaving?"
Miss!? Thank you! ;-)
Then out the door, "I have a grande Americano...." and into the cold of a February morning.
The sketch book I have been using since '09 is a Fabriano Artist's Journal. It has 12 different colored sections of Fabriano Ingres paper. I'm in the green section right now and it actually scanned a little lighter than it is. It and the red pages have been the hardest to sketch in. Color doesn't work. Chalk might! But even black ink doesn't show up very well. But I love the book - I am going to order another because I had to search awhile to find a link for it and I don't want to miss getting one if they are scarce. This is the one that I've carried everywhere, and its got stickers in it, family notes, sketches of my daughter at Tae kwon do, sketches from many airports and planes, travel notes, and endless coffee shops! Its just a good size to stick in your bag and fairly light with the soft cover.

They carry the Fabriano sketchbooks locally at Asel Art.
Nice work as per usual.
I enjoyed your sketches and your notes on the sounds in the coffee house. Fun!
Nice drawings, I like how the figures interact
Beautiful drawings. Do the people realize you are sketching them? I always get self conscious when people think I'm staring at them.
Thanks Donna! Good to know. I am going to head there tomorrow and hope I find it.
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