16x16 oil on panel
This painting was accepted into the Salon International show in San Antonio. The show runs from April 1-22. I think this is my third year in a row to have work included. I submitted more than one entry, but never seem to get multiple pieces accepted. We're never satisfied are we? LOL
Congratulations! It's lovely!
Stunning Robin!
Congratulations, Robin! Really well deserved!!!
Congratulations, Robin. It's a wonderful painting. You captured her interest with the pose--leaning forward, peering intently. The soft background is a beautiful backdrop for the dark figure. Really nice. I can see why it's a winner!
Robin, another lovely painting. Congratulations! I especially like the movement created by the girl's shadow and the light, wonderful composition. I so enjoy your blog and look forward to each new post. Thank you for sharing your insights and wonderful paintings.
Whoo hooo!!!! Great job, Robin!
Hi Robin!... A beautifully sensitive moment frozen here! As always... great colour... natural poses and subtle shifts in value that capture space and form seemingly without any real effort.
But that ain't true ... is it Robin! HAHA!!A gem!
Good painting!
Warmest regards,
This is a beautiful painting!
Congratulations Robin...its a fantastic piece!
Love this painting. The pose is so typical of the people one sees at an art show, myself included.
Congrats...its so beautiful.
This is a wonderful painting. I have sen this look fom viewers so many times, you captured it .
So happy for you, Robin!
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