16x20 oil on linen
Ok - Ben (hubby) came in and said this looked like the guy was under arrest. So, I am not sure this is the best pose. But I loved the art ...
Let me back up (sorry, its late). I took my daughter to the Blanton Museum of Art today downtown - its part of UT. Nice building, fairly recently built. They have an exhibit of Matisse prints right now. The painting depicted above, part of their permanent collection, I cannot find on the Blanton website. In fact, I am really annoyed that they have so little of their collection online.
So, if you can identify the art, let me know. Else I will go down again next week and get the details on it.

Anna enjoys abstract expressionist work. It is her favorite to create and to look at (and she is quite talented, if I do say so myself. Isn't she wonderful?). We didn't spend long in the Matisse exhibit, but went upstairs to the American and Contemporary galleries where she did a little sketching. I sketched a bit in the Matisse exhibit. And have a painting to share with you from that tomorrow.
We had a lovely day and I came home with some good ideas. And I remembered to use more paint and to loosen up. But... back to the painting I created... does it look like he is ready to have his rights read? Should I have made the floor dark as it is in real life?
Robin, this is a great piece. I would say his attention has been "captured" by the art. And, yes I think the floor might be better a bit darker too. Can you put some of the color you want to have it on paper and hold it in front of it to visualize it before painting it? I've sort of learned the hard way not to just start dropping paint to improve something that's really great the way it is in the first place but I feel needs some tweaking.......
How old is your daughter? So nice she is interested in art too. My 9 y.o. grandson Jacob, a subject for a lot of my paintings is very supportive of my art and has even made some of his own. I did a blog piece about him. Hope you don't mind the length of this comment. I'll understand if you read it but don't post it. LOL
I think this is such a strong composition and I find the simple colour scheme works really well. A great piece of art.
Wonderful painting! And no — though your husband's comment makes me chuckle, I don't think the viewer looks like he's being arrested. It's that bent knee that makes him look relaxed. You captured him just right.
And yes, perhaps the floor should be just a wee bit darker. But this is nit-picking; it's a lovely painting as is.
Hmmm.....I'm betting that large abstraction is a Franz Kline....
I think the floor should be darkened a bit to balance our the dark areas that are higher in the painting. But I think the pose it pretty nice. It looks like the guy is really contemplating on something, even almost stressed about it. I see a lot of people looking that way when viewing modern/contemporary art so I think it's spot on. I love your work!
I love it just the way it is, Robin. You are doing some wonderful, strong pieces and this is one of them! Bravo! And I like that "title"@ Carol..."captured".:-)
I love the pose, it is like a repeat of the painting. Very well done. Leave the floor alone, the painting is fresh and clean, don't mess with it, please!
Great piece Robin - I did not think about the fellow looking like he was being arrested until you mentioned it = my husband did though too. What a wonderful day you spent with your daughter.
This is a very nice painting. The young man's pose may be one of, I have been here awhile, I am tired but I want to keep going? He may be needing a cup of coffee. It is a familiar gesture and you captured it beautifully. I love the art on the wall. The composition is great.
I love this piece Robin. I read the other comments and wouldn't presume to know better but I love it as it is. The floor and the wall is suggestive and beautiful in it's own right. I'd have this painting on my wall anyday.
I like it!
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