6x8 oil on panel
Still attracted to scenes with readers right now. Maybe because its cold and what better way to spend a cold afternoon than perusing books? I love bookstores. I am amazed at the unbelievable amount of knowledge and creativity in the world. I think the idea of an electronic reader is nice for some situations, but nothing beats the feel of a real book, and what if you like to read in the bath?
This painting was done on Friday - still trying to loosen up. Back to work today. Better open the blinds in my studio though... its much too dark and depressing in here now. Kinda cold and depressing outside too.
Note: I am going to put more of my items on ETSY. Its the neatest shopping site - all handmade goods. The link above takes you there. I think you have to register to shop there, but its such a great store, you won't regret it.
This painting is wonderful. I like the way you've painted all the books on the shelves. The colors are soft and so appealing. Good job!!
I am loving this. The way you've perfectly highlighted the book she's reading. How her hair covers most of her face and makes you want to peek to see if she is as pretty as you think. Wonderful
I wonder what she is reading. This is loose and soft, lovely
This is really nice, Robin!
Hi Robin
I love this painting!
It's done in such a loose fashion... as loosely as the subject handles the pages of the book.
I like Sheila's comment - I too want to peep around to see how pretty she is!
I really enjoy your painting style, this one especially, so beautiful and loose.
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