12x8 oil on linen
Thanks for all your well wishes. Maybe the good karma is working. I had more success today. It still wasn't coming easy, but then nothing worthwhile does. Or so we are told. Sometimes it does though.
Anyway- some of you brought a smile to my face and others made me laugh out loud. Like Dennis Dame who wrote that some panels are just "crash test dummies."
I liked his suggestion to not wipe it but to keep going. Perhaps I think things should come too easily!
I did start anew actually - twice - determined to make this scene work. And I am happy with my final results. I found inspiration in looking at Quang Ho's website. He's brilliant. I really want his videos. I don't recommend looking at too many other artist's work though when you are blocked. I find that I begin to loose my own voice and forget how to apply the paint in the way that comes natural to me.
The crash test is below. I had started to scrape it... but didn't. Might be a good reminder to sit around silently telling me "DON'T do it like this again!" There is just one spot I like... her leg/jeans. Strange, huh?

Hi Robin. The marketing genius Alyson Stanfield suggests asking who/what makes you ecstatic to be an artist. That has already helped me when I felt totally uninspired. Crash test dummies, that is brilliant. Good luck.
Robin, I have been admiring your work for some time now, as a new daily painter myself...I have been in awe of your productivity and the exquisiteness of your work, you have a gift...I have only read you last two posts (although I see your paintings daily on dailypainters.com)...and can say...I feel for you...without "knowing" you I hesitate to give any words...but suffice it to say..there are seasons, and I pray that you find the hope and courage to stand strong and ride this "season"...and know that you will never loose your "gift"...
Your final product is stunning. I envy your deliberate brushwork and implied edges (as in the coffee cup in the foreground and your background chairs and wall). Beautifully executed. Glad to see you "in the swing." Kristine Kainer
You are a great artist. You have that "critical" eye that strives for perfection. Of course I would have been thrilled with the "almost scraped" painting ... yet you knew you could/should strive for better.
Congrats on a lovely painting! I can tell you're back!
Yay! Robin is starting to get her groove back! I must have a long way to go because I thought your first attempt was pretty good. Then you show me how the pros kick it up a notch with the final painting. Wonderful Robin!
totally good
Love this and I agree with your thoughts on not looking at other artists when you are blocked.
Congratulations, artist.
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