End of last week I needed to just be out there, observing. I sat in Starbucks friday afternoon for 2 hours covertly sketching my fellow Buckians. There is something very comforting about the chain, though I suppose some see it as the McDonalds of coffee houses. At any rate, I like their hot cocoa and there are always lots of people to sketch.
I am getting some ideas together for a mural. Yes, I am going to try a large wall mural for my friend's chocolate and confections shop she is opening in Houston. It will be the largest work I've done.
There are few things as pleasant as hanging out in a coffee shop and sketching and watching the world go by.
Thanks for the reminder.... :)
Wonderful news that you will be doing a mural! Hope you'll give us a chance to watch it coming together... and I'm sure the finished work will be a real draw for the chocolate shop.
I love your work and would love to add you as a link on my own blog if you don't mind. I also think it is wonderful that you are doing a mural......I think that visual art should be much more widely seen. Good luck with your plans for it.
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