6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $12 s/h
Its a good thing I did several of these last week. My daughter is home sick again. This time its pink eye. I'm pretty frustrated lately to be honest. I'm missing deadlines (show entries, ad placements, etc.) and just unable to get into the regular routine of painting. When that gets off, then so does everything else because then I am trying to squeeze the art work into the rest of my day and evening. Its very hard to balance it all and this morning I am feeling particularly overwhelmed. It was a rough weekend. BUT... this is temporary and one thing I meant to do this year was not feel pressure about the art. Let go and Let God, right?
Robin, I can understand your frustration, and yes you are right when you say it is only temporary. As a mom of grown children, I know all too well how quick the time goes, as eveyone tells you, but when you are in the midst of it, it does get overwhelming. I do know from experience, that in the end you will never regret the time spent with them. Hang in there, and paint when you can. There will be a time in the futre when you can do more.You do amazing work.
Another wonderful painting in this series.
You have an amazing gift as an artist and a beautiful daughter (as seen in your paintings!). Life is too short to let it all stress you out. The deadlines will always be there and they wouldn't be deadlines if we weren't supposed to miss a few every now and then. You are amazingly talented. Enjoy! In the long run it all gets done anyway. At least the important stuff!
Robin, I agree with all the other comments. I worked full time (self-employed which can be more stressful) while raising my daughter. I regret every time she was sick and someone else nurtured (grandma, grandpa). Unfortunately, someone has to make a living...Go give you daughter a big hug and appreciate this down time because it too quickly ends. My daughter Sarah died 2 months shy of her 15th birthday when fire destroyed our home. Guilty does not even come close to my many emotions...and I realize she was a very neat kid and wouldn't have been had I smothered her.
You are a fabulous artist, and that won't go anywhere. It will be there supporting you when your daughter is grown and gone.
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