Saturday found our group in the west village at the corner of Bleeker and Hudson, along with a lovely farmer's market and a chilly breeze. Granted, I am from Texas, so 70 sometimes feels a trifle chilly to me. My first painting was hideous. I scraped it off eventually and did the one above on another panel. The trouble with the first one I think was that it was rough linen... and I have grown so used to gesso and clayboard that I could not get the paint to move on that canvas. But I was pleased with this second painting. Though I think the corner needs something - a light pole and signs, etc.
We were apparently very near some bakery that was made famous in "Sex in the City" and tour buses kept pulling up and parking in front of us blocking our views. Eventually, I was looking at the scene from the curb and walking back to my pochade box to paint. Perhaps that is why I left out details like lamps, lights, signs, etc.
Yours truly, stylin' in my apron and gloves, dutifully squinting.
This was the last of my paintings on Friday (17th) in Central Park. There was a performer setting up under the archway and a number of curious people stopped to wait for him to begin. I sketched lots of their poses and then did this quick oil sketch of a woman silhouetted against the backdrop of the walkway - she had waited the longest, by far. I hope she was not disappointed in the performance. It was intriguing and dramatic. That walkway was so ornate and beautiful too. But I can't find any detailed information about it. I'd love to learn more if any of you know when and why it was built.
A view of the fountain with a beautiful young lady... well, she was in real life. There was much activity in this area. Twelve or so artists painting, models posing and being photographed, a movie scene being shot, and the usual musicians and performers entertaining the park visitors.
This is my "completed" first painting. I do not like the foreground, but I like the rest. Perhaps I'll do another version of this in a square or horizontal format.
I am back from the Big Apple. It was so much fun and the workshop with Ken MacIndoe was really very good. Phil Levine was the planner - and he had everything very well organized and great locations. He suggested our hotel too and it was in a perfect spot - we could walk to most of the best spots in Midtown and had a plethora of great restaurant choices right on our block.
I will be able to work on images from New York for a long time to come. I am really inspired. The city was awesome too and I have to say one of the friendliest cities I've visited.
I am exhausted however. No painting probably for a couple days as I get myself, the house and my daughter back in order! And we have guests coming next week. But I will post my paintings from the workshop - just remember they are "sketches" and are "unfinished" and got smeared as well in some cases. Hauling multiple wet paintings back to the hotel was not easy.
Here is my first painting in progress - we were in Central Park at the Bethesda Fountain. This is a view of the arches and walkway below. A guitarist and violinist entertained while we painted.
20x20 oil on linen
I've had no little paintings for awhile and I am sorry for that. But what I've been doing this week, and am very glad to have done it, is finishing some paintings that have lingered. Something just didn't look or feel right and after letting them sit awhile, I saw what needed to be changed. It feels good.
Now I can leave for my NYC workshop with a clean studio, several new gallery works and be ready for a fresh start when I come back. I hope to get to those small works regularly again in Sept.
7x5 oil on panel$100 + $11 s/h via Paypal - sold
This was done a few weeks ago... but as I have nothing new at the moment I thought I would post it. Its a sweet little painting of some young ladies "backstage."
20x30 oil on canvascommissionThe final product. I am very pleased. As is the mother of the bride. The happy couple of course are honeymooning and have not seen it. I hope that they will like it. If I can get the frame soon, I could almost deliver it to them when I go to NY for my workshop in a couple of weeks.
12x12 oil on panel
Available at Russell Collection Fine ArtAnother view of one of my favorite painting spots - Halycon Coffee House.
12x12 oil on panelavailable -$550 - email meThis was so fun to do. Sometimes I find that a more complicated scene allows me to loosen up - if I fool myself by charging in. That way I do not have time to worry about the details or scare myself about the drawing. On my easel I've painted this reminder: "Its just paint!"
Why does it have to be scary or precious sometimes? I can draw very well with a pencil, why get locked up with paint? Its my goal to be loose. And have fun. And I am having fun lately. :-)