Today I was invited to go to my daughter's school and do a demo and little talk for the entire 5th grade class (100+ kids). I had no idea what to expect and I spent most of the morning going through photos and trying to decide what to paint. Did they want to see something from start to complete finish? In 45 minutes? Or did they just want to see a start of a more complicated scene? Did they want a lesson? Something that goes along with their curriculum? I decided to do a kid on the beach - something that allows me to paint big shapes and is a single object that I could almost finish. I demonstrated working large to small, dark to light, and thick over thin. And I talked about impressionism and my style and what inspires me.
The above is a little out of focus (phone camera), but I have to say I am pretty proud of what I managed to get done. The kids were so nice and asked really good questions. I've know many of these kids since Anna started school there as a kindergartner, so it was good to have a friendly audience! With the oohs and ahhs and the round of applause, I felt like a rock star!
I will finish this up soon. I hope! When I looked around my studio today for complete paintings to take in to show, I realized I have a lot of almost done work. Time to get things ready to go to my galleries.
Beautiful, Robin! THe subject is perfect for a classroom talk. :)
You are a rock star! Loved reading about your demo at school. Being a retired elementary teacher, I know you inspired them all with your talent, especially the artists in the group. Lovely painting!!
What a lovely demo piece! I'm smiling just thinking of you with your audience. It sounds like you had a lot of fun and how wonderful for the students to watch you work and be able to ask questions.
I am sure the kids will be talking about your visit for a long time. You are a rock star!
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