Grab your pearls and put on your party dress! This was a fun challenge. I had to try a couple of different set ups and dresses, the first being a pale pink that was really difficult to paint. Having donated my daughter's other dressy dress, (she doesn't wear ANY dresses if she can help it and I don't have any party clothes) I ended up painting a Halloween costume which has a renaissance feel to it. It was fun. Might be something I want to paint again.

Faire Dress
16x12 oil on panel
©2011 Robin Cheers

12x6 oil on canvas
Ruth Andre
Party Dress on the Beach
9x12 pastel on paper
Vicki Ross
That Party Dress
24x18 oil on canvas
Suzanne Berry
New Dress
10x12 oil on hardboard
Diana Moses Botkin
Robin, I really like your dress painting. Love the shadow too.
Robin, you're funny. Renaissance Halloween works for me! Gorgeous, rich colors!
I love your choice of "models" for this month's Challenge, Robin! Well done.
Robin I love the way you so loosely painted this dress, it leaves a lot to the imagination and it makes me feel like it's a piece of chocolate candy with a creamy almond center!
oh, yes please use this as subject matter again! I love the attitude and personality of the dress, jaunty and full of life! beautifully done robin!
Just new to the blogging site, Robin and came across your work - it's really brilliant, vibrant and original. I paint in oils also but have only ever painted on linen with acrylics. I stuck the linen on board with PVA glue and then primed the board. It took loads of paint but the final result was good. Again, congrats on your beautiful work - Painterliz
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