Times Square
30x20 oil on canvas
Greetings and Happy New Year!
I've been focused lately on household matters. I think being at home with all my family so much makes me see the changes in decor, organization and such that need to be made. That and deep cleaning. I've been rearranging, selling furniture on Craig's List (what a great resource that is), and redoing my daughter's room (anyone want an upholstered glider with oil paint on it?? That paint gets everywhere!)
Deep cleaning was on the agenda today but my mind is slowly contemplating my next paintings and ideas for the blog. I'm itching to get started again.
As the title suggests, my thoughts are also on my birthday this weekend. The idea of entering my 40s is quite acceptable. Its just another age. Just like all those before - and I like any reason to celebrate and have a nice dinner out! Mostly, I know that I have so much to be happy about. I and my whole extended family enjoy good health, I have a wonderful husband and amazing daughter, I have a great job, a comfortable home and many blessings.... life is good and I see no reason to think otherwise just because I'm turning 40.
And in this new year, I hope that all my friends and family, far and near, experience the same feelings of contentment, good health and happiness.
Freakin awesome! Really just wonderful Robin. From the brights of the kinetic city lights to the subtle temperature changes in the foreground's guy coat. Man, I love it.
Beautiful work, Robin.
40 is a great age; still young enough to be really strong and old enough to know what to do with that strength.
Blest wishes for 2009!
life's being good to you youngin'! enjoy the fruits of your labors. you deserve it.
nice painting as always.
What a wonderful painting! And congratulations on realizing that 40 is just another number. Lets all hope that in 2009 people start to recognize that art is a better investment that the stock market.
Wonderful work Robin.
And very happy birthday wishes to you.
Happy New Year
A bit late, but nevertheless I wish you all the best for your birthday and a wonderful New Year 2009! I am your greatest fan, Robin!
Happy 40th! Just a number, sista!
Love this piece!
Still available? Price?
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