6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $12 s/h - sold
I am winding down with this series. The last couple I will post were painted at the end of last week. Now I am finding less time to paint. My daughter is out of school, has the flu (joy) and we are going to be traveling shortly. Heads up... beach scenes coming.
This woman is gazing at Toulouse-Lautrec's painting La Goulue at the Moulin Rouge in the MOMA. I really admire Lautrecs work - both he and Degas - for their interesting cropping and compositions. I think I lean towards composing work in a similar way.
beautifully painted...looks like you had fun with this series
She's thinking I'd like to be in this painting, dancing, instead of heading back to the office after this lunch break.
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