6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
This was a lot of fun. Its something I've wanted to do for awhile... this view. The overhead perspective of people moving through the city. This guy was checking his cell phone reception I guess.. or maybe late to a meeting.
I have more planned. Stay tuned!
7x5 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
This is actually from my trip to Italy. I went in 1998 - ten years now. Too long. This scene is from Siena. Italy is such a wonderful and amazing country - from the ancient history to the modern cities alive with the warmth and vivacity of its citizens. I went with two other women friends. We started in Roma, worked our way down to Napoli and the Amalfi coast (pompei, Capri, etc.), staying in Sorrento. And then up to Firenze and capped it off with a stay at the Tenuta di Spannocchia (a 12th century villa) near Rosia and Siena.
The villa and its environs are amazing and I highly recommend a visit there. It was truly a dream come true for me.
I am really quite passionate about Italy. Not only was the food incredible and the history, the people, the romance and excitement, but I felt at home as well. The climate is so like Texas - the landscape and plants. I suppose that is why spaghetti westerns worked so well too.
I might have to go and paint some more of Italy now. And dream of a return trip.
7x5 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
Another of those ancient streets in old Nice. The narrow streets, if they can even be called that, and the height of the colorful buildings, really create wonderful compositions with the bright sunlight pouring through.
16x16 oil on canvas
Ask Russell Collection Fine Art about this painting.
Another memory of France... this time in Paris. I have no idea what restaurant this might have been. One of the thousands with sidewalk seating.
I have to say I was really pleased with how I painted that green light glowing on the red awning. It took several tries to get the right value and not have it be too bright, too distracting or too obvious.
Look for new works in all my galleries this weekend. And look for some small works coming here again now finally.
16x12 oil on panel (see below for framed image)Ask Russell Collection Fine Art about this painting.Someone asked me at the Plein Air Austin "art share" Saturday why I was frustrated much of last year. Upon reflection, I think it was because I was not able to express myself. I think my mind was ready for the next step; I knew the brushwork I wanted to create, the gesture and impression... but my hands had not caught up. I felt a disconnect between what I saw in my mind and what I was able to make happen on the canvas. I am feeling pretty good these last few months about my ability to get the painting how I envisioned it at the outset. Lots of suggestion, basically. More and more impressionistic.
This painting I did late on Friday night when I couldn't sleep. I got to thinking about our trip to France nearly 8 years ago and browsed through my photos. This is so very like Nice and many of those old cities of Europe.

12x12 oil on linen panel
Ask Gallery la Place about this painting.
This will be available at Gallery la Place in Georgia by Feb. 2nd. Speaking of, they have their website up and running and I'd recommend looking over the artists they represent. I am really impressed and feel I am excellent company. Its a new gallery, so I am happy to see the quality of artists they were able to sign on. I think the gallery should do very well.
If I had a painting to represent this, it would be someone slumped over her desk with a black cloud over her head and piles of papers and empty mugs next to her. Its that time of year again... time to go over all of last year's income and expenses, file property taxes, sales tax, and prepare for April income taxes and do inventory.
I am ill equipped for this aspect of my work. Its incredibly frustrating, esp. because I don't keep the best files and my formerly excellent memory has somehow been replaced by a sieve since I became a mother. Any brilliant ideas for record keeping for artists?
For now I am done with last year's stuff at least. And look forward to painting tomorrow, if not later today.

These were from Thursday when I went downtown. The young ladies looked so chic in their black trench coats. Its been "cold" here so everyone is bundled up too which is different for us.
My goal is to do more of these sketches and then to paint from them, or paint on them. I just need to get more background next time. I sketched some good poses, but then got home and did not have them in context to complete a painting.
14x11 oil on panel
Ask Castle Gallery about this painting.
Well, this felt better today. Its a composition similar to something I did before and felt confident about. I thought it was a romantic little painting too for a Valentine's theme.
6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h
Like yesterday, this came at the end of a lot of frustration. I didn't intend to do a road, but it makes a nice companion for the other. Changing gears again.
I actually went downtown today to Halycon - my favorite coffe house. It was totally remodeled and surprised me. Its still got great atmosphere and light at least. And a nice cuppa hot cocoa. So I sketched for two hours. And I thought I had all this inspiration to paint the scenes. I could even see, briefly, the completed paintings. And then I got to the paint box later today and had NOTHIN'.
I painted some of the sketches. I tried a couple of figures. I gave up. I have heard in workshops & from different artists that you need to visualize the final painting... and I used to think that was impossible - I'd lose the idea as I looked at my work. But now I do actually see and know where I am going (usually) through the course of painting. Perhaps I developed this over time and with consistent work. Perhaps its something in my subconscious. And normally I can look at even a crappy photo and see something brilliant in it and I go straight to work.
I suppose we all have those times however when the muse is just off napping somewhere. That seems to be my lot this week. Well, we can't be on fire all the time and a break is healthy. Tomorrow I will see what I come up with or post my sketches from today, but a friendly neighborhood mom's happy hour begins late afternoon and I am going to embrace the weekend!
Alla ya'll too! (that is very Texan. Ya'll is ONE person. Alla ya'll is a group.)
6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h
I am hearing Monty Python... "And now for something completely different!"
When you are having trouble, switch gears for awhile.
This was a fun little painting. Its the road my in-laws live off in Indiana. We have nice walks down to the stream and collect nuts and leaves, etc. along the way. I'd paint these areas in all the seasons if I could. Hmm... that gives me an idea for tomorrow!
7x5 oil on linen panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
No, my creativity is not pouring forth. Bummer. This was a struggle once again today.
But I am pleased with the result. I have narrowed down my trouble though. Drawing. I can't seem to draw. Usually, I start a painting by sketching my lines/shapes with my brush and a thinned dark like alizarin and that is sufficient to get me going. I can see the finished painting basically.
But the last couple of days, I can't seem to get that initial part of it. To get through this painting I divided up my panel, diligently drew with pencil all my lines, measured very carefully, etc. I much prefer being able to start with a flourish.
Ah, the struggles of an artist. Not nearly so thought-provoking a read as, say, van Gogh.
7x5 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
This title may well describe me today (or perhaps humble pie?). I choked. I guess I was too proud of myself last week, because today I tried things and wiped off numerous times - large and small. I ended by going back to a scene I painted before. Something that might build my confidence. I think I liked the scene too because I felt a little lonely perhaps and wanted something with just a lone figure in it.
I quit early today and will take care of some business. Better luck tomorrow!
7x5 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
I love this theme!! I think what excites me most about these restaurant scenes is that I am basically painting "abstract". It just happens to look like something when I am done putting in my lines and color shapes.
I've been really pleased with my work lately. Hope I'm not heading for a crash!
Below is my larger version of the chefs from a couple days ago.
I also updated my website with larger gallery works if you would like to see what else I've been doing lately.
Chefs de Partie
12x12 oil on panel - contest entry for now
6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
This is another one I'd like to do larger. However, the image was taken on a cloudy day and that really makes it difficult to make it interesting and not "flat". I think the store itself works because there is a lot of color going on there, but I have to figure out how much of the rest of the building and street to include. I have never liked to paint "tonally" though sometimes I very much admire such work (Twachtman is a good example). Its very hard for me to paint on a cloudy day.
This is the Bleeker Farm grocery in the Village.
6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
This was a test run for a 12x12 I'd like to do. I am not sure it worked out well small. But its fun. Better close up actually, though much of my work is too impressionistic to look closely and better viewed framed and on a wall.
We joke when painting outdoors that we've painted a "50-footer"... meaning that its best viewed from 50 feet away.
7x5 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
My first small offering of the new year (finally). I'm excited to be back to a more normal routine starting today.
This gives you a taste of what else I've been working on. Mainly larger cafe scenes.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy, prosperous new year!
Been musing on "what now." I want to think of some interesting project to embark on for this blog especially. Not precisely New Year resolutions, but something to keep me growing and moving forward. When I began this blog, it was with no real expectation of success or ... well... any idea of what might happen. A year plus later, I've painted nearly 200 small works, sold quite a few (Thanks to ALL for your support), found my "voice" or calling and what really excites me in subject matter, and gained three new galleries. So this year much of my work will be focused on gallery pieces, but this blog is really important to me also and I want to make it interesting to those of you who have come to enjoy my art. I love this community that I have joined. I enjoy seeing many other artists work. I am inspired by them and really enjoy the feedback I get... whats not to like about that?
I named this a journal because I knew that "daily painting" (posting a completed work for sale every day) was beyond my scope and I wanted to be able to share more - the larger work, the progress of paintings, the sketches and studies. I do paint every weekday for the most part. But with just the 4 hours or so I get to wear my artist's cap (apron?), I can't do as much as I like. AND I need to not feel inadequate because of that. So right now, I am musing about how to divy up that time for blog and gallery work. But for certain, I am going to post more sketches and work in progress... I do think (correct me if I am wrong) that sharing some of the other processes in the creation of art is interesting. I know I like to see how other artists develop a painting. (just fyi - I can spend nearly as much time on a 5x7 $100 painting as a larger work - so those little pieces are not exactly whipped out with ease!)
Other ideas at this point are to do one day a week painting from life in a cafe/coffeeshop. And figure sessions.
I'm also looking into changing from google to feedburner, if it automatically send these posts - saving me a step. Can anyone answer that for me so I don't have to research it?
I'll keep you posted.
Merry Mangoes - 11x14 oil on linen panel
$150 + $11 s/h
Trulucks Bar - 12x12 oil on panel
$150 + $11 s/h
Two more offerings. The still life was ages ago and the bar scene has a very Toulouse Lautrec ambiance needing just the right home and space I suppose.
Ya'll contact me if you want to purchase either and I will send an invoice via Paypal.