Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Finishing Touches

10x12 oil on panel
Available at Tidewater Gallery
$900 framed 

I had three paintings of this model in the show! I didn't realize I had quite so many of her. I'll show the others in the next couple of days. She is a lovely model and I loved the intimate "toilette" scenes we arranged during down times at a class. 

Two weeks ago my friend - and fabulous artist - V....Vaughan came over for a model session at my house. Its really wonderful to have the opportunity to compose scenes, photograph and paint from life in the comfort of your own home. Naturally, you want good people to work with in this case - and boy do I have a story for you about that!

Below is the study I started of Kelli. We had her in so many outfits and places all over the house and yard that we ended up only painting about 30 minutes. My daughter and her friend got into the action too and put on costumes and acted out scenes for us too. It was a lot of fun. I can't wait until I begin working larger scenes this fall from the images we captured during this session. I will unveil some new, big works, at the Russell Collection "Femme" show in Austin during December.



martinealison said...

Il m'est toujours très agréable d'admirer votre travail... J'aime beaucoup cette première peinture et sa composition.
Une superbe harmonie de couleurs.

Gros bisous.

Studio at the Farm said...

Robin, your painting "Finishing Touches" reminded me so much of my mother doing her final fuss in the bedroom mirror. Thank you for the memory. ;)
And it sounds like you all had a fabulous time with all your models!

Connie said...

What a great idea! I never thought of actually arranging the model--I just always try to catch someone to photograph. Your work is lovely. Hope to see it in person sometime.

Laurel Daniel said...

I love all the paintings you have been posting - great work! Looking forward to show in Dec. XO

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