20x20 oil on linen
I thought I'd give my blog viewers a sneak peek at some of the work that is now available at Russell Collection in Austin. They are mounting their Best of Texas show featuring 10 of the Texas artists they represent, including me. It should be a fun opening reception Friday night with a diverse collection of artists and live music. If you are in town you should rsvp and attend!
This painting might be my favorite. I actually have thought about this scene for a couple of years but hadn't painted it yet. Perhaps I didn't think I could. But I am so pleased with the results. The setting is actually across from Russell Collection at Sweetish Hill Bakery. They have one of my small daily paintings on their wall. Its also a scene from their bakery. Pretty neat.
I love this one too Robin, it's so beautifully painted! It has such a free yet very sophisticated feeling in it.
Robin--I always enjoy seeing your work.Love the feeling in this painting--beautiful:)!
Robin, I love this piece! Your sense of light is amazing with the sun coming through. Nice work.
Gosh I love Sweetish Hill Bakery! This painting makes me homesick for Austin. Good Job!
Robin, the light you've captured in this painting is so luminous... on the floor, the woman's hair and chairs. Love this one!
I love the simplicity of this painting. It makes me feel peaceful. Great job!!
Love, love, love the brushwork and sense of light. I wish I could watch you paint.
Robin, congratulations and i can see why this is a favorite, it's brilliant. just amazing. i can feel the texture of the coat and smell the pastries. Bravo!!!
Robin... just found you on a link from Carol Marine's blog. Your paintings are so exciting ! You have such a way of capturing your subject with small strokes and an Impressions eye, and brush ! I think the mother/daughter is my favorite, too... Memories of my own little girl and the pastry shop !
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