I feel a little like a balloon that was suddenly deflated. After all my volunteer activities ended and the opening at Russell Collection, I let a big sigh of relief and haven't reinflated myself! I'm trying to get inspired again. After such a break, its always hard to get motivated again. But I have to think of it not as a challenge but a waking, as if from a sleep... I have to begin gently and not berate myself for inactivity.
In the meantime, I am finishing a special painting for the new Seton Breast Cancer Center. Artists who showed in the Best of Texas show at Russell Collection are each contributing a 24x24 canvas in honor of Susan Lubin. My painting is a little more modern than usual and I'm enjoying it.
Two other things - Salon International opens this weekend AND I had a painting featured in the April Southwest Art in their "Art Values" section - very cool! Though they have put Russell Collection gallery in Dallas, not Austin. But, this means you need to check out my galleries and see what is available to invest now before I get famous! ;)
18x20 oil on linen panelAvailable at Russell CollectionAlso one of my show pieces for the Best of Texas show. The opening reception Friday was really fun. A real Austin event with live music and loads of people. It all coincided well with Texas Independence Day and South by Southwest which begins next week. The variety of art is really unique I think too. The artwork ranges from the abstract to impressionist, large to small and in between. The Russell Collection offers something for every taste. I am really proud to be part of their gallery.
12x9 oil on panelAvailable at Russell CollectionThis is a similar setting to a painting I did of Mozarts this winter. As usual I am drawn to the unusual light to be found in interior settings. The pastry fridge radiates a pink glow and the blue light through the blinds tries to creep into the space. I almost fee like I can see the dust motes glinting through this piece too. I think I've become addicted to the coffee shop atmosphere. I've been to one of my nearby Starbucks 4 out of 5 days this week. I've been reading a lot actually. Its been really nice to wind down a bit. I'm avoiding being alone in my studio I think by surrounding myself with people and conversation - none of which I actually have to participate in! I know that people might look down on the chain coffeehouses, but I have to say that I am really comfortable in them and always meet friendly faces there. More so than some other shops. There is something to be said for consistency too. They've been kind of an extension of my living room. Comfortable places to read, check email, sketch, have a warm cuppa something and watch the world go by. I have an idea brewing too. lolTonight is the opening at Russell Collection. I'm anxious to meet all the other artists and see all the work together. Should be a lot of fun.
12x36 oil on linenAvailable at Russell CollectionHere is another for the show this month. Its an unusual size and its another piece I thought about for a long time before I actually painted it. I did a small study of it as well trying to work out the color and light. So often these scenes lend themselves to dark colors... dark floors, dark walls, dark tables and chairs - so much wood!So I want to try to not resort to losing everything in heavy dark paint.
6x18 oil on linen - 30 minute studyThe line that is like wainscotting in the final painting is straight (for the most part) but my camera kept giving it a fish-eyed bow. I hope its straight - will have to check that at the gallery tomorrow night and hope its not so pronounced as in this photo!
24x20 oil on linenAvailable at Russell Collection Fine ArtThis is my second favorite recent painting. Its based on photos and a plein air piece I did in the city on my last visit. That was '09. I didn't get to go last year, but I'm planning a trip for this summer with some artist friends.If you are interested in a guided painting trip there, check out Phil Levine's site. He plans workshops with some of the best teaching artists all over the western world, and he is leading a figure painting class in the city in May. I'm not sure if I will be able to plan my trip around that, the end of school and all, but I hope to still meet up with him while there. If he's not in France - sigh.
20x20 oil on linenI thought I'd give my blog viewers a sneak peek at some of the work that is now available at Russell Collection in Austin. They are mounting their Best of Texas show featuring 10 of the Texas artists they represent, including me. It should be a fun opening reception Friday night with a diverse collection of artists and live music. If you are in town you should rsvp and attend!This painting might be my favorite. I actually have thought about this scene for a couple of years but hadn't painted it yet. Perhaps I didn't think I could. But I am so pleased with the results. The setting is actually across from Russell Collection at Sweetish Hill Bakery. They have one of my small daily paintings on their wall. Its also a scene from their bakery. Pretty neat.