I'm not sure this is very good as far as painting digitally goes, but it was a good exercise in planning for a real painting. In doing this, I try to minimize my colors (out of laziness), so I end up using 5-6 and using them throughout the image. So the picture ends up quite harmonious. Its a good exercise and gets me thinking about approaching work on the easel. Good fun for a rainy Sunday morning.
Nice group of recent posts. I love the series of South Street in Brooklyn, Robin. What a wonderful thing to observe someone else's learning experience. The latest of the digitally painted museum goer is fascinating. Another unexplored avenue for me, but exciting to see the possibilities. thanks
What do you mean, "Digitally painted"? Did you use Photoshop Elements to paint it? Very interesting. I really enjoy all your posts and particularly, your talent! Maybe one day, I will reach some interesting potential...if I ever finish a painting!
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