12x12 oil on panel
This was done last week. I have been painting some, in snatches. I don't know the lady in the portrait on the wall...reminds me of Lady Macbeth. Anyway, the subject is from the National Gallery of Art in D.C.
In the free time I have today and this weekend, I am going to try to organize this awful mess I call a studio. Didn't I just do this?
Hi Robin,
The lady in the painting is "Lucretia" by Rembrandt. I thought I would let you know who she is!
The woman in the painting is "Lucretia" by Rembrandt. Thought I would let you know who she is!
Glad to see your post today. I have been thinking about you. You have your hands full and nice to see you found time to get in the studio.
beautiful! glad to see you posting again. Whew, you have been through some of life's toughest challenges, all in one heap! yikes! Thanks for sharing your palette colors/info too. Funny, I set mine up with warms on the right, too (yeah, somebody once told me it was backwards, but I figured it was only backwards to them, since I was taught to do it that way....been doing it like this for decades now, hehe).
I love this painting! the cool blues against the warm tones is stunning and I love your style, just beautiful. I've stared at the figure reading the book for quite a while. Perfectly painted!
Very nice painting...
I'm looking forward to following your blog.
Judith Baker
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