The Daily Painters Gallery group thought it would be neat to post images of our studios, so I thought I'd share, though I am really ashamed of the mess. Thats supposed to be a sign of genius, right?
Well, its a sign of being very busy at least. On the easel, a homemade one, is a wedding painting commission. This back corner, by the windows, is where the work is done. Also in the room is a large desk and computer, though not the one I use daily, boxes of frames, packing materials, bookshelves, about 12 files of art magazines dating back to 1987 probably, and 300 pounds of art books (why are art books so big?).
Also in the room are my 4 different pochade boxes for plein air painting, two display easels, my daughter's art easel, a lot of her paintings, my old paintings and old art materials and a requisite boom box... which I hope Santa will replace.
I regularly have dreams about finding a large, unknown-of space in my house where I can put my studio. Lord, do I wish! This is a spare room. And given that I do not want to rent a studio away from home, and I can't afford a $60,000 addition.... I am going to clear the clutter out, get a nice set of shelving up (hello Container Store) and get rid of all the extra furniture and debris that is not specific to my work. AFTER my commissions are done and out.
Yes, we always want more space don't we.Great paintings.
I too work in a spare room....sigh. Perhaps one day (maybe when the kids move out) I'll get a bigger space. I enjoy your blog as well as your beautiful work
Wow, sounds like you have a lot of supplies! I totally understand about hoarding clutter and in particular, art books and magazine reference materials! Nevertheless, we still find a spot, however big or small, cluttered or neat, where we can create...that's the important thing.
Looks like a great place to me.
Love to see where other people work. Remember the saying, "I'm not messy, I'm creative"? Your studio looks like you are busy and doing a lot of work, which is a good thing. You should have seen my classrooms when I had 100 to 150 kids there making things, painting, etc. Someone told me that art teachers are pack rats, and very territorial. I think it's true.
I have an office building out in my back yard, but I never go there. No water, no heat, and too far from the bathroom! So, I moved my bed into one corner and use the rest of my bedroom for a place to work. The office has become a store room. I thought of expanding into the living room that we don't use, but I kind of like my windows and view from my bedroom. I may work here, or the kitchen, or the den, or wherever I might be! Just so I'm not too far from the bathroom or the kitchen.
I do need some better storage space, though.
Thanks for sharing.
How inspiring to see your studio! So tidy and organized...(Mine never seems big enough either)then there's the outdoors, which is big enough. Expressive paintings!
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