12x12 oil on panel
$150 + $11 s/h - sold
This is in the Maximilian Room in the hotel. Painted last year with a very warm glow.
Happy New Year to you all!
22x14 oil on linen panel
Making way for the new!
14x11 oil on linen panel$175 + $11 s/h (unframed) - sold
My studio renovation continues and I am realizing that I have quite a few paintings that need homes. So following a very successful artist friend's lead (if V....Vaughan can do it, so can I basically!), I am going to offer some "older" works at discounted prices.
And so first up is a man viewing the painting "Three Marys at the Tomb" at the Blanton in Austin. This was painted either end of last year or early this year. And its not as garish as this image makes it appear.
I am going to continue to offer up some older works, including some landscapes. Something very few see from me anymore!
6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
I have not vanished, but we all know how the holidays are! We've had a lovely Christmas and are still enjoying time off. But I have missed my painting. Today I took some time and painted while my husband put together some of the new shelving I am putting in the studio. One "resolution" underway. I am going to revamp that room and make it more functional and less of a dumping ground for all the old furniture from the house.
This was a lot of fun to paint as I focused just on the extreme light and dark of this woman sitting in a window reading. Her skin tones were marvelous and the light just heavenly. I painted it with thinner washes and bold strokes.
This may be my last painting to post this year. We shall see. Happy New Year early!
10x8 oil on panel
Another commission I did for a NYC lover. One more commission to get through (before Christmas) and then I hope to do some small works again. My husband is off for a couple of weeks and it really throws my schedule off! I can't work with him at home. Tomorrow is my daughter's last day of preschool too. Between the two of them, I am lucky to get to take a deep breath all day. When do I get to go on break/vacation?
The Daily Painters Gallery group thought it would be neat to post images of our studios, so I thought I'd share, though I am really ashamed of the mess. Thats supposed to be a sign of genius, right?
Well, its a sign of being very busy at least. On the easel, a homemade one, is a wedding painting commission. This back corner, by the windows, is where the work is done. Also in the room is a large desk and computer, though not the one I use daily, boxes of frames, packing materials, bookshelves, about 12 files of art magazines dating back to 1987 probably, and 300 pounds of art books (why are art books so big?).
Also in the room are my 4 different pochade boxes for plein air painting, two display easels, my daughter's art easel, a lot of her paintings, my old paintings and old art materials and a requisite boom box... which I hope Santa will replace.
I regularly have dreams about finding a large, unknown-of space in my house where I can put my studio. Lord, do I wish! This is a spare room. And given that I do not want to rent a studio away from home, and I can't afford a $60,000 addition.... I am going to clear the clutter out, get a nice set of shelving up (hello Container Store) and get rid of all the extra furniture and debris that is not specific to my work. AFTER my commissions are done and out.
10x8 oil on panel
This is a commission I've done for a friend. It was fun to do revisit the scene I painted in the West Village. I bet it looks a bit different now. Wonder if they have snow?
7x5 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
This may look familiar. I wanted to paint this man again. Sorry I've been MIA on the small works. Been very busy with larger works and illness.
20x20 oil on linensold
This painting was done months ago and hung about my studio because I never felt it was quite right. This past weekend I was able to address its issues and I think its really very nice now. My issues with it were that the faces were all too red, the background too yellow and uninteresting and the floor rather nondescript... I think its been much improved. And the man in the foreground makes me think of a handsome, rugged, outdoor-type.
Could be my cold medicine making me think gibberish. Very likely.
16x16 oil on linen panel
soldI love the ambiance in finer restaurants. The murmur of voices, low, classical music playing, the clink of china and crystal. Ahhh... I think my husband needs to take me out to dinner this weekend.