Monday, January 21, 2013

Houston Symphony

Happy New Year! 2013 is promising to be full of challenges and changes if my last couple of weeks are any indication!

I had the very wonderful opportunity last weekend to paint behind the scenes at the Houston Symphony. I was commissioned to capture the conductor Hans Graf and some of the principal players for the conductor's last season. It was such an honor and so inspiring to be painting with a live orchestra!

They had set up a monitor for me to work from backstage with the camera behind the musicians, looking towards the conductor. I also got to look through the doorway peephole and get onstage before and after the performance. These are my sketches from that night. The first painting I just focused on the conductor and tried to capture some of his movements and the lighting on him. A definite challenge!

I will complete the one above using the photos I took while there and post again to show my final results. Its good to be back focusing on art again after lots of holiday fun. I hope that the new year is a joyful one for all my friends in blogland!


Terri M Wells said...

Fantastic, Robin! The composition and lighting set the scene!!

Sergio DS said...

Mi absoluta admiraciĆ³n, me quito el sombrero.


Sheila Foley said...

Wow! Painting live at the symphony would be my dream come true. And I LOVE the work you did. So much movement. I think both are perfect they way they stand.

suzanneberry said...

how exciting and well deserved!!! the paintings are breathtaking so far...amazing. congratulations!

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