24x16 oil on linen
Park Shade

18x18 oil on linen
Both paintings available at Wisby Smith Fine Art, Dallas - for a show presented with Russell Collection Fine Art

Y'all...November has been crazeeee for me! First, if you have emailed me, I apologize for delays in responding. With a website (way out of date) and blog, a new book on Blurb, ETSY, joining Daily Paintworks (cool), inventory and business aspects, framing, 4 gallery shows and 7 total galleries to keep up with, I can barely paint anymore.
This is a problem.
A BIG problem.
I have to get back to making the art the most important part of my day. Sometimes I think just dropping off the grid sounds divine. But a blog and online galleries are a huge marketing tool and I enjoy using these tools and communicating with fans and patrons, but there has to be a balance. I think a lot of people don't actually read or click on my blog, which is the most up-to-date resource, for the full info when they see the work elsewhere. That would solve a lot of problems actually. But I know I am just like that and want the info all at hand in one place. I can't even remember where some of my paintings are or if they are available. I am trying to figure out how to get everything neatly into one place so people can find out what they need conveniently. You will be the first to know if I find a magic "app" for that.
Thank you for reading. :-)
Now - the above paintings appeared here earlier in a not quite finished state. These are the final versions and are on their way to Dallas for December.
I read and comment, Robin! And i am comforted that there is someone else out there doing a whirling dervish imitation right now. Working p/T as a hygienist, F/t dog care for one of my sister's 2 needy Boxers, catching up on education credits for dental hygiene, riding and caring for Bruno, and creating and trying to promote art. I am with you on busy!
Outstanding work.
You might try this software.
I have it and I think it would be very helpful it I was actually making sales. You are so fortunate to have an audience that buys.
Beautiful work - so happy for you - busy is good!
I read and comment, #1 because it is full of thought provoking ideas, #2 because you inspire me. I'm on vacation with the hubby and havent had time to paint. I've also been taking care of those grandbabies while I'm at it! But we are going homeon Sunday and I will get back to my online classes and just painting!
Oh I almost forgot, I love the park scenes. They turned out great.
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