6x6 oil on panel
$100 + s/h - sold
Its hard to paint a busy scene small. And a figure no bigger than a bobby pin? whew!
But I pushed through it. Again, its a scene that needs to be larger. Or I need to crop in closer and paint just the figure (and her little dog too! - said in the voice of the Wicked Witch).
I've had an up and down day today and almost didn't paint. The up is that we are prepping to go to Cozumel for a family vacation and I am super excited about that. The downer was being rejected again for an art competition.
While I painted I pouted. But then I began to wonder why do I WANT to be accepted? I suppose it would be nice to win an award or see my name out there. But mostly I enter and hope to be accepted as part of best 'business practices'. Shouldn't I be trying to promote myself? Building my resume? Reaching a bigger audience and increasing the value of my paintings? Maybe in some way too I want to feel part of the larger world... that what I am doing in my studio is acceptable out there in the world. One can get tunnel vision or be isolated in this profession. And though the work was rejected, I still look at it and am reallllly pleased and wouldn't change a thing about my results. And ultimately, that is the best feeling.
There are so many possible avenues to consider WHY a painting isn't accepted to show, and I don't want to go into that here. But in sharing, maybe I can just let my friends know that rejection sucks, but it doesn't really mean much. Just keep painting.