24x24 oil on canvas
Available at Russell Collection Fine Art in Austin.
This is my contribution for the fundraiser for the new Seton Breast Cancer in Austin. The Russell Collection gallery invited their "Best of Texas" artists to each create a painting on the theme of hope. When I think of any trials that life throws our way, my hope seems to always fall on the next generation - the youth, energy and infinite possibility of our children. This is a likeness of my daughter, blowing bubbles. Lots of symbolism in here really. I'll let you all interpret it. The title is the Latin - Dum spiro spero - "While I breathe, I hope." And blessedly, I have this outlook on life even in the darkest of hours.
Tuesday night the gallery hosts an event to unveil the paintings together.
I am moved in more ways than one by this one, Robin. I hope it gets the bid it's worth. Beautiful lush brushwork, standout composition - just awesome!
Beautiful painting. Wonderful title and such a great cause to be a part of. Adore the bubbles and they add a lightness and fun feeling to a stunning piece of art.
Beautiful sentiment, and beautiful painting! I love the composition.
Robin, this is a gorgeous painting, and for such a great cause. The title of the piece is perfect. And I love the greens.
This is an amazing painting! I love it. The fundraiser will be so pleased with your contribution. I love how your bubbles float on a white background. Well done.
beautiful Robin!
Simple and spiritual. Love is definitely in those brushstrokes.
That is an outlook to aspire to. Beautiful painting of your beautiful daughter for a beautiful cause.
Very successful, the way you cropped her face.
Lovely painting. The bubbles are so fragile--as is hope. Yet the painting is full of life. Wonderful choice.
What an uplifting atmosphere
oh robin, this is amazing on so many levels! gorgeous!
I LOVE this painting! Your interpretation of hope is perfect, as well as your composition and colors choices. Just beautiful!
I really love this - joy, hope and promise all wrapped up in a beautiful painting.
Robin this a beautiful painting, and your words were even more beautiful. It almost moved me to tears. Good Luck with the fundraiser, I hope it's a huge success.
This is truly beautiful! Not only is it just a well-painted painting with the illumination and great color, it also does speak volumes on so many levels. This will do well in the show. Congratulations!
This is such a lovely painting! It not only represents a well-painted painting, it speaks volumes to the viewer on so many levels. You shall do very well at this show. Congratulations!!
(BTW- in case this is a repeat comment, I wasn't sure if my first comment made it on the post; so forgive the duplication- thanks!)
Great painting for a great cause!
Love the fragility of the bubbles and the effervesence and delicacy of the child. A beautiful painting.
Robin, what a lovely painting to represent the theme. It is sure to do well for the fundraiser. You are such a talented artist-love your work!
this is a beaut ! great composition, and subject... delightful ! great painting
This is just terrific!!! Someone will really get a great painting and your charity will soooooooooooooo benefit!!!
WOW.. amazing... touching... sensitive.
Excellent painting! Beautiful blog!
I will follow!
I love the freshness of the colors. You did a great job on the soap bubbles.
Only one word: beautiful...!
I just love the playfulness captured forever. Love it.
A beautiful painting ... in every sense! :)
What a lovely, and unusual painting. I adore it.Lovely brushwork!
I just came across this beautiful painting. What a terrific composition and lovely brushwork!
I love it!!
I love how you capture the joy and wonder of childhood. The bright green background is very beautiful against the green dress. A wonderful picture.
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