I did get to see the wild horses on Cumberland Island. I was so excited. We took a private boat tour with Captain Carol of On the Water Adventures. I highly recommend this tour. There is another boat tour company but this was smaller (and private!) and she was able to take us up into creeks between the marsh grasses in search of manatees and up to the beaches close to the horses. She also had a lot great information to share. Like the story of these horses. Apparently the island was owned, at one point in the good ole days, by the Carnegies. When their horses got old, they turned them out to "pasture" and let them become feral - they bred, more horses were let loose, and/or brought in (Lipizzaner and mustang stallions) and the population is thriving. Very neat.
Robin, so glad you got to see the horses and that your weather was fine. Amazingly good tours there. I love it when the guides are so well informed. I can't wait to see what you paint. And congrats on the shows!
Robin, I have enjoyed your trip to NYC (I was there at almost the same time and at similar spots) and Florida (I live in Central FL). It is great fun to get another artist's viewpoint on a place you are familiar with. I admire your ability to travel and paint!
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