Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I've been doing lots of techy things - and making a right mess it. Lots of panic moments, rash decisions, desperate calls to tech support and late nights. I actually deleted my website by accident. I am just not as savvy as I once was and technology has moved light years ahead of me. Unfortunately, it seems to be getting less user-friendly than ever.

Some of my recent decisions involved my website and email delivery system. I decided to drop my template-based website service and use my blog for now. It has everything you could need. Above is a set of tabs with links to all my gallery pages where you can see current inventory for each and their contact information. Also under those tabs are information about me and my work. The blog is also made to be viewed on mobile devices.

Next, I've moved my email subscribers list to Constant Contact. I think it will be a better way to manage and use my list. So all new subscriptions will go directly through them, and I've hopefully correctly loaded my google group list - test in progress! You can edit or remove yourself at any time with the "safe unsubscribe" button in every email contact.

When I was going over my list - I was amazed to see readers, NOT related to me, who have been subscribed since 2006! If you have really been watching me that long, thank you! Its humbling to know that some people have found my work informative and inspiring.

In future, I might get a more traditional website and hope to introduce a quarterly newsletter. Maybe put together a video. But I have all summer to play with those ideas. And clean up my studio. But not until I paint the scene. (Inspiration strikes anywhere!)

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