There was a video of the Randy Higbee opening reception posted which is fun to see. At least two of my pieces are still available as seen at about the one minute mark. :-)
I think all the gallery events are winding down now, but I have many paintings out there. If you are looking for a gift for someone special, look at pages linked in the side column for each of my representing galleries to see all the available inventory and contact them directly.
My days are now filling up with shopping, wrapping, shipping, decorating, baking, and parties, etc. Tis the season! School ends soon and I am excited that my parents will soon be here to make the holidays all the more meaningful.
I am looking forward to a couple of new projects for the new year! One being the works on paper which I will be sharing more of soon.
Great feeling of repose in this one!
Your painting really has a great feel to it. I love it.
Thanks for posting the opening of the 6x6 show.
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