12x8 oil on panel
Ask Castle Gallery about this painting.
I am still working. I just can't seem to finish anything. And I can't seem to find inspiration for smaller things. I suppose I have to get the larger scenes out of my system!
This is a scene from NYC - the West Village one sunny morning. I eliminated any background really and focused on the light and shadow. I am now working on a larger scene of this same corner. Hopefully I can finish it this week. :-)
10x23 oil on panelThis is one of the pieces that has been keeping me busy the last week or so. Usually I work best "alla prima" - that is finishing a painting in one session, but this one took longer. I managed to keep it fresh and spontaneous looking by concentrating very hard! I had to concentrate to look loose - figure that out.Frankly, its exhausting.I have not decided where I will send this yet and have to get a custom frame ordered since its an odd size. But will post purchase info soon.
6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
I rather embarrassed myself taking this photo. I asked the bartender if he'd mind my photographing there, but I think he thought I was flirting with him. ;-)
The photos came out lousy... but I had enough to go on. Barely.
I was working on a larger version of this, but abandoned it. I think I've worked out some things on this smaller version so will continue the larger one I think. Tomorrow. Time is up for today.
6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
Love this little bar scene from the Driskill Hotel. There is the bar itself and then all around are lounge areas with couches, tables, fireplace, art and sculptures. Its somewhat of a pass through too between the main lobby and the 7th street entrance.
The title is from Sheryl Crowe's song - "all I wanna do is have some fun..."
I have been working - just slowly and on larger things and have been too lazy to post.
8x16 oil on panel
Ask Russell Collection Fine Art about this painting.
Just as my ideas come back, its time for the weekend! This is so much more impressive in person, though I might reconsider the darkness of the shadows still. We shall see on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend, ya'll!
I mentioned in my previous post that my "muse" was off napping again. I do not really know how to describe it, but sometimes I just can't paint. I look and look and look at things and nothing inspires me. And I can't paint without that spark. I can try, but its like I am sleep walking. So I took a break this week. I went sketching downtown. I tried to learn about watercolor journaling for upcoming family trips. I watched Ken Auster's video, "Intellect & Passion".
It made me wonder if artists like him, for instance, ever lose their inspiration? Or are they so well-trained and professional that they can paint whether they feel it or not. Is it automatic?
For me, it is not. And I've learned to live with these downtimes. Perhaps it means I am ready for another step, or growth in my work. Maybe I have just tapped out the source and it has to replenish.
And it has, I think. My sketching and observing on Wednesday manifested itself into my dreams this a.m. and I woke up with some great ideas! Something that gave me energy and I could hardly wait to get up and start.
Two problems there... I have to get my daughter up and ready for preschool and my panels are on order but not yet arrived!!
We could open up another rather controversial topic here maybe based on my first "problem".... why are male artists generally more successful and well-known than female artists? My theory is that they can go and shut themselves in their studio and do their thing without worrying about family. Not in the nurturing or care-taking sense maybe... perhaps their artistic drive is somewhat fueled by the "bread winner" instinct. They can paint for hours on end every day. Where many women have to take care of the house and children and too many other things to count and can't devote so much time to their art.
And so - I have the seeds of ideas in my head but must do other things while they germinate.
6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
Below are some pencil sketches I did today of my dog. She is a very relaxed schnauzer and, as such, wonderfully relaxing for me. I was trying also to teach my daughter a bit about drawing what you see, rather than what you know. Perhaps she is too young for that yet. ?
6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h
The colors here are a little unusual. I took the pink brick sidewalk to an extreme perhaps and used green shadows. Are there ever green shadows? I like the combination though and I'm a-keepin' it. Though this might look neat also with a very stark "white" background. I will perhaps do that on the next one.
6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h
A friend teasingly asked if I sat on the rooftops lurking to take photos. Well... not precisely. I was in a parking garage or on a balcony. Its fun to play with the perspective in this way. Its more of a challenge than I would have thought.
6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
Another "bird's eye view" of a more casual male crossing the street.