12x12 oil on panel
Available at Gallery laPlace
I did this on Wednesday actually - before my difficulties yesterday. And I am really, really pleased with it. I am not sure if I have a favorite subject (location, rather, because people are my favorite subjects) but the beach would rank right up at the top. Then probably cafes. At any rate, these two young men were walking back to their cars late afternoon. It being a scene from Rockport beach (Texas gulf coast,) I thought that the title might be what they are thinking. Rockport can offer little excitement for boogie boards or body surfing.
This painting will be available at Gallery laPlace in Georgia in a couple of weeks. Its framed in an antiqued black with a gold lip. Stay tuned for the opening information.
5x7 oil on panel$100 + $11 s/h - sold
This is actually from my first day in the West Village now. I was frankly amazed at how many dogs were in the city.
I left off Central Park rather quickly and am skipping around some since I want to work on some cafe's. But to be honest, the two I began this morning did not work out so very well. I am going to let them sit until tomorrow or Monday and revisit them. I think the trouble was that my heart was not quite in it. I really want to work a little larger but tried to do something small to warm myself up. It didn't work. I felt trapped in such a small space for a really neat cafe scene. And now I am out of time!Better luck tomorrow!
6x6 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
Moving on to Central Park. A young lady taking some time out in the "Sheep Meadow". This is one of my favorite past times, as well. I often drag a blanket out in my backyard and sit with a book or magazine on a gorgeous day. We have a lot of them in central Texas... but I bet soon, Central Park will be too cold for basking like this.
6x6 oil on panel$100 + $11 s/h - sold
Another fun night scene in NY. Dusk is such a great time of day in the city and so fun to paint. I think I could keep doing this... and rain scenes... forever.
I suffered for my art this morning; in my excitement, literally, to get upstairs and paint, I slipped and smashed my toe and shin and so had to sit and prop my foot up to paint. But I have something for you, so I hope you all like!
On to some GOOD news: I have been invited to exhibit my work in a new gallery opening in the historic town of Washington, Georgia. So I will be focusing on getting paintings framed and ready to ship out in early Oct. this week. I'm very excited about this location and will keep you posted on the opening. The gallery is called Gallery laPlace.
16x12 oil on panel
Available at Castle Gallery
The city at night is so spectacular. There is so much color - all moving and changing continually. The Chrysler building is such a unique shape also, really drawing your eye up to its glowing top.
7x5 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
A cozy corner in the luxurious Waldorf Astoria. No, this was not my hotel...but it was a beautiful place to rest for awhile. I felt classier just being there.
6x6 oil on panel$100 + $11 s/h - sold
I'm still working on some night scenes from our first walkabout in NYC. Perhaps because it was all so new and grand to me, it had the most impact
There are so many spotlights in the city that any small area just glows. Esp. in the rain. But more than anything painting these scenes is forcing me to practice with values. Subtle values in some cases. Like most of the background of this piece. I've also begun to realize that small works like this need to be rather bold and dramatic. In looking at many other blogger artist's sites, I've begun to see what gets the most attention and it usually comes down to drama. A high contrast in values and simple design work best on a small scale I think.
7x5 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h - sold
Continuing from Grand Central, we walked on to Rockefeller Center and rested awhile in the gardens. The dramatic lighting made Atlas seem alive in his struggle to uphold the heavens.
5x7 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h via Paypal - sold
Continuing our walk on the first night of our arrival, I saw this neatly lit and somewhat lonely scene in Grand Central Station.
7x5 oil on panel$100 + $11 s/h - sold
I am not a miniaturist! And this was a lot to fit into such a small format. I think that is why city scenes have always daunted me. The buildings are often many different colors, the traffic, the layers upon layers of things... all have to be simplified or it looks a mess.I am not sure I managed to get past "mess" with this scene of a rainy evening in NY. There are parts I like very much, but, as usual, I can't quite get a good photo of it. BTW - have I ever mentioned that if you were to buy one of these paintings and hate it, I will gladly take it back, in the same condition it left me, and refund your money.
7x5 oil on panel
$100 + $11 s/h via Paypal
I think I am back to work finally! Life is resuming a more normal routine and I hope very seriously to work on scenes from my NY trip, recreating my days there. I have so many ideas, I almost feel overwhelmed about them and have to remind myself... one painting at a time!
We arrived late afternoon and after the lengthy ride into town, set out walking and in search of dinner. We were in a great midtown neighborhood and joined the locals as they headed home from work and out for their own dinners.